Wednesday, February 24, 2010

“The believer reserves judgement until the matter is proven.”

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds
The peace and blessings of Allah be upon the beloved Prophet
 assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Sub: Reply-2- to Prathiba Sundaram(
“The believer reserves judgement until the matter is proven.” 
I have seen between lines that you are a God fearing Muslim. May Allah helps us to steadfast with our claim and good intentions. But brother, hope you so, if not please correct me, God fearing Muslims must be careful while talking about affairs of Islam and should provide solid proof to justify their claim. Otherwise it is an act of Shaitaaniyat as u said. Let us see who is supporting and promoting shaitaaniyat inshaAllah.
Let us analyse some of the relevant issues in your response. Your comments are with same highlights.
You said: I assume, those who wish to study Islam and accept the truth are running away due to the factional/caste systems.
It is not advisable to conclude something from assumptions. Due to your assumption, you falsely claimed that people are running away from accepting Islam due to the so called “caste system” of Muslims. Ironically, you have answered for this fabricated question asWhen Islam is widely accepting by the non Muslims, Keralites are not embracing Islam,”
What is your proof? Do you have any authentic survey to justify your claim? Due to the active da’wa work of Kerala Muslims, Alhamdulillah many accepted the truth. I do not know from which ‘Muslims Caste’s Madrassa’ you have studied? From which ‘Muslims Caste’s translation’ of qur’an you have read? Was it from the translation of “Muslim Caste like Sunni, Mujaahid or Jammat”? Dear brother a Muslim should not follow the assumptions, speculations and rumors. As we know many news are based on assumptions, hypothesis and speculations and so, your assumptions are unwarranted until and unless substantiate it with proof”
Unfortunately still you are alleging on Muslims of Kerala with Caste system. Is there any such scenario exist among Muslims as we seen among Hindus. For example, Hindus believe a person is born into one of four castes based on karma and purity—how he or she lived their past lives. Those born as Brahmans are priests and teachers; Kshatriyas are rulers and soldiers; Vaisyas are merchants and traders; and Sudras are laborers. Within the four castes, there are thousands of sub-castes, defined by profession, region, dialect, and other factors. Untouchables are literally outcastes; a fifth group that is so unworthy it doesn't fall within the caste system. Brother, Fear Allah and His wrath and Allah will punish the people who trespass the limit of Him. May Allah save us from His punishment. Alhamdulillah, there is no such caste system among the Muslims as you falsely attribute on Muslims of Kerala.
You said: It proves your moral standard. These kind of rhetorics show that you are a valuless insect
Allah knows best. I seek refuge with Allah from misguiding others and misguided by myself.  You may be right “Prathiba Sundaram” may better in speech than Mammedutty!! “Valueless insect is morally well sounded”!! Regarding my name as you said, the one who had named me as Mammedutty was a Muslim, Rahimahullah and May Allah bestows His mercy and forgiveness to my beloved father and blesses him and all the believers with janadul firdouse. Aameen
You said: (I know it better and asking the Muslims to accept Islam instead of 'isms)
Oh.... You know better about the caste system prevailed in Hinduism and that’s why, you have dared to compare the division of Muslims in Kerala with the caste system of Hinduism. Let me ask you brother is the so called “caste system” of Muslims based on Qur’an and Sunna? But the caste system among the Hindu society is based on their scriptures. There are outcastes also in this system but fortunately you did not allege that there is Outcaste among Muslims of Kerala. MahadaAllah!! If the followers of Mujaahid, Sunni, Jamaat e (islami), Tablig etc are belongs to some “Caste system” what about you? Are you an outcaste by all these groups?
More than 160 million people in India are considered "Untouchable"—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human. Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: "Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers"; "Dalit tortured by cops for three days"; "Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar"; "Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool"; "7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash"; "5 Dalits lynched in Haryana"; "Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked"; "Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits". India's Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.
Are you daring to compare all these in human practices with the so called caste system of Muslims of Kerala. Sunni caste, the so called earliest caste in Kerala, gang raped Mujahid caste for plucking flowers, Jamaat e (islami) caste was paraded fully naked in plachimada street for demanding water from upper caste of Sunni, NDF Caste killed 7 Mujaahid caste for worshipping Allah alone. Mujaahid caste had beaten Jamaat caste for entering to their worshipping place, Sunni caste musliaars had beaten for joining with Mujaahid caste, Mujahid caste marriages had boycotted by Sunni caste and Jamaat caste etc.  
You said: (It is fortunate you didn’t say that there is Devadasi system also in Islam?!!) that is also in the process. I have not confirmed the report spreading in the air. A 'holy' international figure is for temporary marriage services. Those who are blaming also part of some factions.
Prathiba Sundaram, the reformer of Islam who fights against the caste system of Muslims in Kerala to save Islam from caste of Mujaahid, Sunni, Jammat, Tablig etc accusing against the Muslims of Kerala that “there is unconfirmed reports that a Holy international figure of Muslims of Kerala are providing Devadasis/ girls for temporary marriage services” and the prostitution labeled as devadasi customs to please the Brahmins by the lower caste also in progress according to this Prathiba Sundaram, a “God fearing Muslim” I seek refuge with Allah from this reckless person. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is enough sin for a man to speak of everything that he hears.” Al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2025. 
Brother, do you know about Abdullah ibnu Sabah, a beautifully named like Prathiba Sundaram, he was a Jew and pretended as Muslim and then, spread gossip and malicious news about the sahaba, the companions of beloved prophet salallahu wa alyhi wasalam to create fitna and division among the Sahaba. He had succeeded in certain extent to spread shaitaaniyat but Allah knows how much impact could make your shaitaaniyat, blasphemous remarks about the scholar you mentioned. Brother as I told earlier there are enough people already available with “lip service” for Islam but they neither live as Muslims nor admit as kafir. May Allah save the Muslim umma from the fitna of such hypocrites.  
O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islâm), Allâh will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allâh, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allâh which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allâh is All­Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All­Knower. (Al-Ma'idah 5:54)
You said: (Divisions of Muslims are not a new issue discovered by you instead God fearing Muslims) Yes, that's what we have to do and I am doing my part, And I have no need of your certificate
I fear Allah and His wrath and so, please don’t expect a certificate from me. I am not so arrogant and reckless to give you that. Yes, you are doing your part to divide the Muslims again based on some false propaganda of caste system which inherited from the forefathers. No God fearing Muslim so far uttered such filthy blunders against the Muslims of Kerala. Pious and God conscious Muslims can find solutions based on the teaching of Qur’an and Sunna with understanding sahaba for any problems. There is no biasness in this regard.
You said: No this and that. ISLAM is ISLAM. There is no factions, no castes, no divisions. And (millions of you's) can't install this virus in ISLAM. Jama-Muja-sunni-ap-ek-pp-madavoori-tariqatai-maududist, wahabists- NO. Big NO. Those are not Islam. Islam is ISLAM and it has its own Dogmas. Quran and Hadith). ISLAM is the only acceptable deen to ALLAH. Nothing else is not at all acceptable. Leave the cults, if you are part of anything and come to ISLAM
JazakaAllah khiar, thanks for your advice. I am also doing the same with naseeha myself and you; learn Islam from the Qur’an and Sunna with the Manhaj of pious predecessors.  Brother, please use this enthusiasm to learn deen and practice it and convey it rather jumping into a rational findings of caste system which alien to Islam and Muslims. May Allah guide us.
You said: that is about Muslims who follow ISLAM. NOT those who follow wahbism. maududism. qadiyanism, bahaism, sunnism, shiaism etc.
Could you explain me what is Wahabism, Maududim, Sunnism, shiaism etc. also please educate me what is Islam and Ahlu Sunna wa Jamah. “The believer reserves judgement until the matter is proven.” 
You said: Yes that is a must and I am doing that obligation and I will fight until my death. I have questioned some of the well known scholors about their right to split this community, and I will continue it, though you like nuts have vested interest to erase ISLAM and install, 'ism and divisions
May be that well known scholars might have run away from you. If possible, I would inform the Grand Mufti, Sheik Abdul Aziz al-Asheik, Dr Zakir Naik, MM Akber, Bilal Philiphs, sheikh Tousif ur Rahman, etc about the danger of being meeting with you.
You said: Yes I invite all to ISLAM and asking all to leave the CULTS - these cults are the creations of some of the vested interested MULLAS and we have to keep away these munafiqs from us.
The Muslim is obliged to accept the teachings of Islam, and act upon them. When he hears of some word or deed which is based on evidence (daleel) from the Qur’aan or Sunnah, then he has to accept it and give it priority over anything else. He should check what people say against the evidence of sharee’ah, and only accept those views which are in accordance with that evidence.  I ask you again, what are the proofs for your claim? It is well known that verifying news is required according to sharee’ah, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“O you who believe! If a Faasiq (liar — evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done”[al-Hujuraat 49:6] 
May Allah help us all to do that which He loves and which pleases Him. 
And Allah knows best and He is the Source of all strength.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and the hereafter
Mammedutty Nilambur

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