Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is there any Caste System Prevails among Kerala Muslims?!!

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds
The peace and blessings of Allah be upon the beloved Prophet
Assalamu alaikum dear brothers,
Sub: Reply.1. to
Caste System Prevails among Kerala Muslims?)
Firstly I do not know whether you are a Muslim or not? We Muslims used to greet each other with the wonderful salutation of Islam ‘assalamu alaikum’. Visit
You said: If this is the way of our proceedings, no wonder Caste system will be much stronger in our community than in others.
The person who are ignorant or the one who are intentionally stigmatise Islam as not a religion of Allah, used to blame that there is caste system prevail in Islam. Their intention of alleging this absurdity against Islam is to labeling this inhuman, the most unfortunate system of untouchables and the caste system exist in Hinduism also part of this great religion of Allah.
Are you not aware of what is caste system in Hinduism and hence, how this unholy act used as a weapon to marginalize poor Hindu people by Brahmins in India?!! It is fortunate you didn’t say that there is Devadasi system also in Islam?!! The caste system prevail among the Hindu society is rooted in the ‘varna system mentioned in the scriptures of Hinduism. You might aware of the conversion of Ambedkar from Hinduism to Buddhism due to the caste system exist in Hinduism. Can you point out any conversion of Muslims to Christianity or Hinduism or any other religion due to the so called “caste system” of Muslims in Kerala as you claimed?! How dare you to compare the caste system of Hinduism with the division of Muslims in Kerala?!! Is it also propaganda like ‘love Jihaad’ against Islam and Muslims?!! Is there any Oscar award for absurdity and unscrupulous comments definitely you can apply for that. Alas!!
 If Islam, the religion of Almighty God promotes the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute, why do these people accepting Islam? Because, people finding peace and confidence by believing in Allah, the One and Only God through denying all human gods and goddess.
Quran says: Wherewith Allâh guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to a Straight Way (Islamic Monotheism). (Al-Ma'idah 5:16)
Muslims are not ashamed of admitting that there are differences of opinion exist among Muslims.  But it doesn’t mean that there are some of the section of Muslims is considered as Dalit, Harijan, untouchables etc in Kerala or elsewhere. It is one of the blatant lies you have uttered against Muslims in Kerala. Divisions of Muslims are not a new issue discovered by you instead God fearing Muslims have been trying to unit them since long time. But those fear Allah and His wrath accept only the guidelines given by Allah and the Prophet salallahu wa alyhi wasalam for uniting the Muslims in Kerala but also fostering the universal brotherhood among the mankind. But that is not based on the false philosophy of “this is also correct and that is also correct”.  
You said: What’s the difference then between the Hindu Castes and Kerala Muslim divisions? What it means? 
Those who are arrogant, ignorant or having only ‘lip service’ about Islam may feel discomfort while seeing the primary duty of a Muslim “enjoin the good and prohibit the evil” They also may be comfort with the garbage and evil practices of others. Your so called friend, who asked about the mosque, might have a person who adhere the philosophy of “this is also correct and that is also correct” This attitude is alien to Islam and God fearing Muslims. There is no compromise in religion whether you like it or not. The acceptable religion with Allah is only Islam. Allah has completed His Deen through the last and final messenger of Him, Muhammed salallahu wa alyhi wasalam.  It is the duty of the pious and God fearing Muslims to convey the message of Islam to people and defend it from the attack of enemies within the fold of Islam as well as outside. While dealing with the people of innovators, deviants whether it is in Kerala or elsewhere, God fearing Muslims have to expect only the reward of Allah rather the certificate of people like you which filled with foolishness and absurdity.
It shows you do not know the basics of Islam. Those who feel that speaking against deviant pseudo-Islamic groups and exposing their insensate activities to the people is a waste of time and energy, is in fact total contradiction to Qur'ân and Sunnah. Allah says in Quran, in Soorah Aal'imraan 3:110 "you are the best nation raised up among mankind (because) you command the good and prohibit the evil” Commanding the good is not sufficient in itself to earn us the title "best of the nations" it must be complemented by the prohibitions of evils. Purifying the Religion of Allah and defending it from the attacks of deviant pseudo-Islamic groups, hypocrites etc are a collective obligation of all pious and God fearing Muslims, if Allah did not bring up some people to oppose the innovators, hypocrites etc and then the Religion would suffer harm, corruption and deviation. Allah knows best. As you rightly said “Start the Jihad inside”
May Allah bless the pious and God conscious Muslims to fight against the corruptions, deviations, shirk, Bidha among the Muslims even some people label it as caste system, love Jihaad, fundamentalism, extremism etc.
And say: "Truth (i.e. Islamic Monotheism or this Qur'ân) has come and falsehood (i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely!  Falsehood is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
With prayers for the peaceful life here and the hereafter
Mammedutty Nilambur

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